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Writing Against The Current

Being A Christian Author In A Secular Society

Writing is hard. I'll be the first to say it. Writing for a living is so, so hard.

Writing God-fearing characters with a Christian worldview, and actually making it as an author without compromising your faith, is even harder.

In a world that shuns truth and hates wisdom, anyone can say whatever they want and get away with it. But you can choose to be different. Every morning when you wake up, you can say to yourself: "I will speak truth and embrace wisdom. I will honor the Lord with my work, and ask Him to bless my words."

Trust me. It changes everything.

Finding the Happy Medium

If you're like me, you've picked up more than one book with high expectations, read it halfway through, and realized: Not only are you struggling to root for corrupt characters, it's actually starting to affect your mindset and pull you away from God.

On the other hand, I've also read books that feel. . . Stuffy. Full of overbearing, 'perfect' Christians and long, eloquent prayers that seem to suffocate the reader.

So how do we find a happy medium? We certainly don't want to shove our faith down our reader's throat, especially if they're already skeptical, but is it possible to be less aggressive without seeming like a fair-weather Christian?

I'll tell you right now: The happy medium is different for everyone. But it is possible.

- Start With the Characters

Pay attention to your characters' spiritual lives. They don't have to be perfect - in fact, the more they struggle, the better. Maybe they're all in different spots in their walk with Jesus. Maybe some of them have doubts. Maybe some of them pray more than others. The point is, give them their own beliefs, moral compasses, and unique way of picturing God.

- Stay Natural

This speaks for itself, right? Don't force yourself to write things that don't feel like they belong there. And for the love of the kitchen sink, don't sacrifice character voice for a good proverb. Your reader will run away as fast as they can.

- Speak Love

I've found the best way to demonstrate my faith in my writing, is to write the way I want to live. Creating characters who love God, sacrifice for each other, and stick to their beliefs goes so much farther than anything else I've tried. I've also written several characters who aren't necessarily believers, or may even be skeptics themselves, and laid out faith lessons for them here and there. This is just what works with my style; you might find something completely different that works for you.

- Address the Mess

Don't be afraid to confront serious issues. Do your research, and ask your pastor or another church leader you trust if you're unsure about something, but most importantly: Write from your heart. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the right words to address the things on your mind. The more clear and confident you can be in your position on these issues, the more your readers will trust you.

You don't have to have all the answers for everything, but if you find your story moving toward an uncomfortable confrontation, tackle it head-on. I've done this many times in my own novels, having my characters work through abuse, PTSD, and depression - just to name a few.

Note: Be mindful of your audience. Words are especially powerful here.

It's A Lonely Profession

We already know writing can be lonely. It's not much of a group effort, nor does it require regular teamwork or meetings. My advice, especially to younger writers, is to surround yourself with other Christians who understand and appreciate the rigors of putting words on a page. Find a critique group with some Christian writers. Reach out to your book-loving friends. Even if not all of them are writers, you can build a support force of readers and mentors who can communicate with you regularly in person, by text or email, or a good old-fashioned phone call. It's much like finding your beta readers: Find your circle of people who want to see you succeed, and don't be afraid to ask for support and prayer when you need it.

Approach the Publishing World With Courage (And Lots of Prayer)

If you're going the traditional route, it can be discouraging to look up agent after agent, or publisher after publisher, only to find that less than half of those on your list specifically ask for Christian content. While they may still accept your work, you usually want to get as precise as you can when choosing who to submit your proposal or query to. But remember: You still have many options, and you only need one to say yes. You've poured your heart and soul into your work, smeared it with sweat, bathed it in prayer - don't stop now! Pray, and trust in God's timing.

Use Your Gift Wisely

I can't say it enough: Words have so much power. And like any other tool, they can be used for good or evil. To build or destroy. To speak life or death. Think carefully about what you want to do with your words, because God can take away just as easily as He gives. Make sure your gift hasn't been put in the wrong hands.

Be sure to subscribe to my mailing list if you haven't already, and keep writing against the current. Best of luck to you on your writing journey, mate!

- Lydia


Sail Ho!

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    I'm Lydia, and I'm here to help you harness your passion to create an earth-shaking career that you love! Stories have power, and it's our job to use that power wisely. I can't wait to join you on your writing journey!

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