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Sail Ho!

My name is Lydia Bohl. I live and write in Northeast Colorado, where I enjoy music, chocolate, and a good adventure or fantasy novel. My catchphrase has revealed itself to be 'Show Don't Tell' and when I'm not writing, I can be found analyzing my favorite movies, playing or listening to music, or choreographing for my next show. (Not exactly like fighting undead pirates, but I'll get there.)

Stories have power, and I believe that young Christian writers have a rare opportunity to combine their faith and passion into an earth-shaking career that they love. I also believe in breaking down the steps to get there, walking with Christ on every page, and adjusting lifestyle to focus on faith and creativity.

If you have any questions about my work, or if you'd like to suggest a subject for a future post, fill out the contact form below! (I thought about accepting messages in actual bottles, but they said this was more reliable.)


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