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Aerial View of Waves

End Of Year Recap

December Update


A lot has happened since I posted my last update (check it out here!) and since this month officially closes out my first year of blogging, I think it's time to celebrate!



I spent National Novel Writing Month getting a jump on my next fantasy/action adventure sequel. This is a first draft, so it's a little rough and I'm a little self-conscious - but I've been daydreaming about this story for a long time, and I'm excited to finally write it down!

This book has a very different vibe from its predecessor; while my last project was set at Christmastime, filled with all the frosty adventure and cozy magic I could cram into it, this one feels more like a wet, gray day on the shoreline. Not the characters - I still love them - but the settings (like old castles, abandoned landscapes, and much wilder seas) make it feel like a good book to read in some ruins on a foggy day.

I also got a desk! (Finally.) I'm still working on how to best fit it in with the rest of my room, but it is so much fun to finally sit down at a real desk that perfectly sets the dark academia tone I like. There's space to keep all of my journals, pens, bookmarks, and chocolate close at hand, and my dog now curls up directly under my chair for her nap.



I took a break during November, but before that I had the privilege to write a guest post for a friend's blog in September. If you missed that, you can check out her blog here!

With the first year of blogging almost officially behind me, I have a much better sense of the direction and tone I want for this community. I've planned several posts for next year already, with some new content that I'm really excited about! Before that, though, I'm going to make some major changes: Namely, giving my blog a complete overhaul and facelift.

The color palette and name are going to change to something that I hope will be a little more. . . Fantasy-derived, I guess? As I said, I prefer a dark academia vibe over the sleek pale pink, gold, and white that seem so popular nowadays. As for the name. . . You'll just have to find out when I publish the new version of my blog next Thursday!

I have no idea if all of the links in previous emails will still be effective afterward, so I'll send out an announcement with links to my homepage and All Posts page on that day.

I'm so excited for this new vision that I have in my head, and I hope you'll love it as much as I do! Year 2 of blogging, here we come!


Farm Life

I finally sold the last of my sheep at the very end of September; the remaining ewes went to a friend who makes a living from livestock. I'm hugely grateful that they're being loved and taken care of in a good home, where they can hopefully live out the rest of their days.

I still wake up early every morning and try to make it outside by sunrise; there's just something about drinking in the very first rays of light at the start of a new day, even if it's ridiculously cold out.

We keep our wood-burning stove running almost every day now. Our house is equipped with a heating system, but the wood stove is more efficient (and more fun, not gonna lie) and maybe it's all in my head, but I much prefer the heat from the fire over that of propane. Besides, it's so much cozier to snuggle up beside the wood-burning stove instead of huddling over a vent in the floor.


Theatre Business

You remember that ballet class I was looking forward to teaching? The one with 4 - 7 year olds?

Let's just say it pushed me a good little ways out of my comfort zone.

I've discovered some things, though: I absolutely love teaching, even more than I thought I would. Working with small children was a stretch, but I eventually figured out how to balance discipline with fun and help them look forward to class. They've come so far, and learned so much - and so have I, once I learned their mental and physical limits. (They're crazy smart, but they're still kids. And they're strong! They haven't reached the age where they realize this stuff is hard yet!)

In 3 months, they learned and performed an entire dance routine for a Christmas show, and they did it flawlessly. I am thoroughly amazed at how capable they are, and I can't wait for next semester when (hopefully) I will have two classes to teach!


So that's about it; God willing, there are lots of exciting things to come in the new year, and I've got some BIG changes in mind for the blog. Keep an eye out for the announcement post on January 4th! And as always, feel free to share this post with your writer and reader friends.

Peace and blessings to you, my friend. I'll see you next year!


1 Comment

Dec 29, 2023

Amazing year. Amazing thoughts penned ! HapPineda and creative spark to your new year!


Sail Ho!

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    I'm Lydia, and I'm here to help you harness your passion to create an earth-shaking career that you love! Stories have power, and it's our job to use that power wisely. I can't wait to join you on your writing journey!

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